Homeworld 2
About Genre Strategy Rating Rated 'T' for Violence, Includes online features that may expose players to unrated user-generated content Summary Homeworld 2 continues the epic struggle of the Hiigarans and their leader Karan S'jet. Many thought their hardships would end when they returned to Hiigara, yet fate has not been so kind to the Exiles. Now the Hiigarans face a new and bitter enemy, a renegade clan from the eastern fringes of the galaxy, who wield the power of the ancients. The game chronicles the valiant journey of the Mothership and its crew into the oldest regions of the galaxy to confront their new foe and discover the truth behind their exile.Combining elements of real-time strategy and space combat, Homeworld 2 delivers an evolutionary step in gameplay and technology. Cinematic-quality graphics, stunning special effects, brilliantly rendered ships and an innovative interface combine to create an immersive 3-D experience.
Homeworld 2 - Game demo - Download Demo version of Homeworld 2, a(n) strategy game, for PCs and laptops with Windows systems.Free and legal download. File type Game demo. File size 141.1 MB. Last update Thursday, September 4, 2003. Downloads 3337. Downloads (7 days) 8.