Trace Memory 2


Support for raw memory dumps. DotMemory lets you import raw Windows memory dumps obtained using the Task Manager or Process Explorer, and analyze them as regular memory snapshots. By doing so, you can take advantage of automatic inspections, retention diagrams, and other sophisticated dotMemory features.


This article applies to: ✔️ .NET Core 3.0 SDK and later versions

Install dotnet-trace

Install dotnet-traceNuGet package with the dotnet tool install command:



The dotnet-trace tool:

  • Is a cross-platform .NET Core tool.
  • Enables the collection of .NET Core traces of a running process without a native profiler.
  • Is built around the cross-platform EventPipe technology of the .NET Core runtime.
  • Delivers the same experience on Windows, Linux, or macOS.


  • --version

    Displays the version of the dotnet-trace utility.

  • -h --help

    Shows command-line help.


dotnet-trace collect
dotnet-trace convert
dotnet-trace ps
dotnet-trace list-profiles

dotnet-trace collect

Collects a diagnostic trace from a running process.



  • -p --process-id <PID>

    The process to collect the trace from.

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  • --buffersize <size>

    Sets the size of the in-memory circular buffer, in megabytes. Default 256 MB.

  • -o --output <trace-file-path>

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    The output path for the collected trace data. If not specified it defaults to trace.nettrace.

  • --providers <list-of-comma-separated-providers>

    A comma-separated list of EventPipe providers to be enabled. These providers supplement any providers implied by --profile <profile-name>. If there's any inconsistency for a particular provider, this configuration takes precedence over the implicit configuration from the profile.

    This list of providers is in the form:

    • Provider[,Provider]
    • Provider is in the form: KnownProviderName[:Flags[:Level][:KeyValueArgs]].
    • KeyValueArgs is in the form: [key1=value1][;key2=value2].
  • --profile <profile-name>

    A named pre-defined set of provider configurations that allows common tracing scenarios to be specified succinctly.

  • --format {NetTrace Speedscope}

    Sets the output format for the trace file conversion. The default is NetTrace.

dotnet-trace convert

Converts nettrace traces to alternate formats for use with alternate trace analysis tools.



  • <input-filename>

    Input trace file to be converted. Defaults to trace.nettrace.


  • --format <NetTrace Speedscope>

    Sets the output format for the trace file conversion.

  • -o --output <output-filename>

    Output filename. Extension of target format will be added.

dotnet-trace ps

Lists dotnet processes that can be attached to.


dotnet-trace list-profiles

Lists pre-built tracing profiles with a description of what providers and filters are in each profile.


Collect a trace with dotnet-trace

To collect traces using dotnet-trace:

  • Get the process identifier (PID) of the .NET Core application to collect traces from.

    • On Windows, you can use Task Manager or the tasklist command, for example.
    • On Linux, for example, the ps command.
  • Run the following command:

    The preceding command generates output similar to the following:

  • Stop collection by pressing the <Enter> key. dotnet-trace will finish logging events to the trace.nettrace file.

View the trace captured from dotnet-trace

On Windows, .nettrace files can be viewed on PerfView for analysis: For traces collected on other platforms, the trace file can be moved to a Windows machine to be viewed on PerfView.

On Linux, the trace can be viewed by changing the output format of dotnet-trace to speedscope. The output file format can be changed using the -f --format option - -f speedscope will make dotnet-trace produce a speedscope file. You can choose between nettrace (the default option) and speedscope. Speedscope files can be opened at


The .NET Core runtime generates traces in the nettrace format. The traces are converted to speedscope (if specified) after the trace is completed. Since some conversions may result in loss of data, the original nettrace file is preserved next to the converted file.

Use dotnet-trace to collect counter values over time

dotnet-trace can:

  • Use EventCounter for basic health monitoring in performance-sensitive environments. For example, in production.
  • Collect traces so they don't need to be viewed in real time.

For example, to collect runtime performance counter values, use the following command:

The preceding command tells the runtime counters to report once every second for lightweight health monitoring. Replacing EventCounterIntervalSec=1 with a higher value (for example, 60) allows collection of a smaller trace with less granularity in the counter data.

The following command reduces overhead and trace size more than the preceding one:

The preceding command disables runtime events and the managed stack profiler.

.NET Providers

The .NET Core runtime supports the following .NET providers. .NET Core uses the same keywords to enable bothEvent Tracing for Windows (ETW) and EventPipe traces.

Provider nameInformation
Microsoft-Windows-DotNETRuntimeThe Runtime Provider
CLR Runtime Keywords
Microsoft-Windows-DotNETRuntimeRundownThe Rundown Provider
CLR Rundown Keywords
Microsoft-DotNETCore-SampleProfilerEnables the sample profiler.