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  • 1Characters Introduced In Streets of Rage 1
    • 1.1Playable Characters
    • 1.2Syndicate Mooks
    • 1.3Syndicate Bosses
  • 2Characters Introduced In Streets of Rage 2
    • 2.1Playable Characters
    • 2.2Syndicate Mooks
    • 2.3Syndicate Bosses
  • 3Characters Introduced In Streets of Rage 3
    • 3.1Playable Characters
    • 3.2Syndicate Mooks
    • 3.3Syndicate Bosses
  • 4Characters Introduced In Streets of Rage Remake

Characters Introduced In Streets of Rage 1

Playable Characters

Axel Stone

  • Calling Your Attacks: 'Grand Upper!'
  • Expy: Of Cody.
  • The Hero: Is this for the whole series, but Streets of Rage 3 storywise implies that he's The Lancer to Blaze.
  • Jack of All Stats: 1st game only; gradually leans toward Mighty Glacier as the series progresses.
  • Shoryuken: Doing a series of punches in at least one of the Genesis titles has him finish the combo with this.
  • Vigilante Man: After turning in his badge.

Adam Hunter

  • Badass Normal: With none of Axel or Blaze's firey attacks, Zan's cybernetics or even the Charles Atlas Superpowers of Max or his young brother Skate, Adam holds his own against Mr. X's cyborgs, robots, self cloning samurai ninjas and kangaroos.
  • The Lancer: To Axel in the first game.
  • Mighty Glacier: In the first game.
  • Out of Focus: His importance to the series decreased, needing to be saved in Streets of Rage 2 and then relegated to support in Streets of Rage 3.
  • Vigilante Man: After turning in his badge.

Blaze Fielding

  • Action Girl: Kicks ass like the boys.
  • Bare Your Midriff: From the second game onward.
  • Cowboy Cop: Quits the force in Streets of Rage 1 due to general corruption in the force, and uses unconventional methods of investigation in Streets of Rage 3.
  • Fragile Speedster: 1st game only.
  • Jack of All Stats: Streets of Rage 2, Streets of Rage 3 and the Remake.
  • The Smurfette Principle: Is the only starting playable female character in all of the games.
  • Vigilante Woman: After turning in her badge.

Syndicate Mooks


  • Evil Redhead: Basic Galsia/Garcia have orange hair is orange and they are violent punks.
  • The Goomba: The basic syndicate mook, though there are more powerful palette swap versions of him.
  • Spell My Name with an 'S': Inexplicably his name was spelled 'Garcia' in the third game (he was still called 'Galsia' in the Japanese version though).
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: As the most palette-swapped mook in the game, pink-haired, white-haired, blond-haired, blue-haired and even lime green-haired variations can be seen.


  • Badass Longcoat: All of the Signal palatte-swaps wear longcoats, and their names are usually based on the color of the long coat (e.g. Y.Signal wears a yellow coat, B.Signal wears a blue one, G.Signal wears a green one..).
  • Delinquent Hair/The Quincy Punk: He has a mohawk.
  • Expy: Of J and Two P. The difference between them is the Signals have a punch attack, slide kick, and can throw you.
  • Fluffy Fashion Feathers: There are messy looking feathers on the collar of his coat.


  • Demoted to Extra: Specifically to being one of Electra's palette swaps in the sequels.
  • Dominatrix: The Japanese manual mentions they work in questionable 'Members only' clubs.
  • Gainaxing: Added to her sprite in the remake version.
  • I Surrender, Suckers: In later stages of the game, they will pull this off if you punch them. Turn away and stand there, and they will whip you.
  • Whip It Good: Nora exclusively use whips to attack.

Hakuyo (Streest of Rage 1)

  • Spell My Name with an 'S': The Japanese manual for the Game Gear port spells his name 'Shirotaka', which is another way of pronouncing the kanji in Hakuyo's name.

Jack (Streets of Rage 1)

  • An Axe to Grind: Lesser Jacks.
  • Incendiary Exponent: Elite Jacks.

Syndicate Bosses


  • Battle Boomerang: Antonio mainly attacks with a boomerang.
  • Lennon Specs: They're more visible on his remake sprite.


  • Slasher Smile: Which is more noticable in the remake.
  • Wolverine Claws: He wears gloves with blades on the finger tips.


  • Facial Markings: Has face paint around his eyes.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Large, fast and really strong.


  • Breath Weapon: Bongo breathes fire.
  • Fat Bastard: Not exactly an agile enemy, but you better not try and take advantage of that by throwing or slamming them if you're not Max or Skate (Blaze also can with her forward slam). The second game's iteration of him is an exception though for whatever reason.

Onihime and Yasha (Mona and Lisa)

  • Dual Boss: Always.
  • Dub Name Change: At least in the third game.
  • Palette Swap: Of Blaze in the first game.
  • Sensual Spandex: In the third game and the remake.

Mr. X

  • Authority Equals Asskicking: Mr. X is simply a man in a business suit, yet he's the strongest of the Syndicate bosses, even without his tommy gun.
  • Big Bad: He leads the syndicate and is the Final Boss in all appearances.
  • The Gunslinger: Type B: The Vaporizer.
  • Mind Screw: He's unlockable in the remake, and can defeat himself in the Streets of Rage 1 route to BECOME THE BOSS.. wait, what?

Characters Introduced In Streets of Rage 2

Playable Characters

Sammy/Eddie 'Skate' Hunter

  • Dance Battler: According to his profile in Remake, his style is 'breakdancing'.
  • Kid Hero/Kid Sidekick: Partly because his big brother got captured and he wants to help bring him back. It clearly runs in the family anyway.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: Granted, he uses his entire body for leverage, but even so, it's impressive how he can throw the fat mooks just as easily as Max does. Even moreso in Streets of Rage 3, where all the adult characters are unable to accomplish that feat.
  • Rollerblade Good: A vital part of his attacks.

Max Thunder

  • Walking Shirtless Scene: His wrestling outfit is a pair of pants, boots and absolutely nothing to cover his upper body, although the remake has some art of him wearing a leather jacket (with no shirt on under it).
  • Wrestler in All of Us: Justified as he's a professional wrestler.

Syndicate Mooks


  • Ambiguously Brown: Donovan himself has an African-American skin tone, but some of the swaps are a bit paler.
  • Bald of Evil: Hasn't got a hair on his head.
  • Butt Monkey/Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: In Bare Knuckle 3, he is knocked cold by debris (or an oil drum in the remake) after crashing his bulldozer into a support. See Drives Like Crazy below. His slapstick mishaps in an otherwise serious game have branded him as comic relief in many a Fanfic.
  • Drives Like Crazy: He leaves the driving seat of his pickup truck during a chase sequence in the remake to throw knives and oil drums at you. It works as well as you might expect.
  • Expy: He's pretty much Dug with no shirt.
  • Scary Black Man: Maybe, depending on palette.
  • Sinister Shades: All his palate swaps wear shades
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Never wears a shirt of any description.

Jack (Streets of Rage 2)

  • Evil Laugh: Lets out a sinister laugh when he hits you.
  • Knife Nut: The Jacks in Streets of Rage 2 can pull an infinite amount of knifes out of their jacket to fight with.
  • Unique Enemy: Only appears three times in total throughout Streets of Rage 2. The remake does include him in some more areas though.


  • Dominatrix: Thigh high boots, fishnet stockings, whips it good..
  • I Surrender, Suckers: In the 3rd game, some of them do this as a Call Back to Nora in the first game.
  • Karaoke Box: When first encountered she is singing on a microphone.
  • Shock and Awe: Her whip is electrified.
  • Stripperiffic: More so by the third game, which was bowdlerised in the US release.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: To Nora from the first game. Subverted in that one of Electra's palette swaps is named Nora, but Electra is treated as the main version of the character.
  • Whip It Good: Unlike Nora, Electra's whip is electrified.


  • Badass Biker: They are pretty badass.
  • Faceless Goons: They hide their face behind a gas mask of some sort with a red light in the middle.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: They do have those shoulderpads, but they wear no shirts.

Hakuyo (Streets of Rage 2)

  • Kiai Whenever they drop in or do a jump kick. Also qualifies as Hell Is That Noise when encountered on the elevator.
  • Ki Attacks: In the second game, Hakuyo can shoot a short range Ki blast from his open palm.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: In Streets of Rage 2, they wear no shirts.


  • Highly-Visible Ninja: All these ninjas wear bright uniforms.
  • Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja: Well, why else would the game have ninjas (besides that the games were made by a Japanese company)?

Big Ben

  • Breath Weapon: He'll sometimes start breathing fire and bolt across the screen trying to run you over.
  • Expy: A charging fat man? Check. He wears suspenders? Check. That definitely sounds like G. Oriber, Bill Bull and Wong Who. Also it looks like Big Ben's face resembles a humanMajin Buu.
  • Fastball Special: He throws the Garcia enemies at you in Streets of Rage 3, while they drop in with an elbow attack mid air.
  • Fat Bastard: Big Ben's sinister laugh after he hits the player, suggests he enjoys causing pain.
  • Kung Fu-Proof Mook: In the first and third games, the fat guys will crush you if you try to shoulder throw them.


  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: The main Raven-type has navy blue hair.

Syndicate Bosses


  • The Bartender: Of a Bad Guy Bar.
  • Bring It: Shouts 'Come on!' as he rips off his vest.
  • Degraded Boss: A Palette Swap of him, Wayne, is fought later on in level 5.
  • Waistcoat of Style: He rips this off before the fight starts off.


  • Cyborg: In Streets of Rage 3, it may or not be the same guy though.


  • Expy: He is basically a non-green skin version of Blanka. He even has the same barrel attack.
  • Wolverine Claws: Similar to Souther, his gauntlets have three blades on them.


  • Bald of Evil: R. Bear's head is entirely shaved.
  • Everything's Worse with Bears: Not literally. But as his name implies, he definitely lives up to it.

Particle and Molecule

  • Epic Flail: Their main attack is a spiked metal ball on a chain attacked to their bodies: they can shoot it out and reel it back in for a quick jab, or spin it in a wide circle for a more damaging attack.


  • The Dragon: To Mr. X.

Characters Introduced In Streets of Rage 3

Playable Characters

Gilbert Zan

  • Captain Ersatz: Of Cyborg Grandpa G.
  • Cool Old Guy: He's an electric cyborg.
  • Cyborg: He's an electric cyborg.

Roo (Victy)

  • Boxing Kangaroo: He doesn't wear those boxing gloves and boxing trunks to do karate.

Syndicate Mooks




  • My Nayme Is: Averted by most of her palette swaps.
  • Stripperiffic: Wears a miniskirt and crop top. The American version added a t-shirt under the crop top. The remake uses both the versions of her.


  • Evil Redhead: With dreadlocks and a fitting patch of vibrant orangish chest hair.
  • Kiai: When he does a jumpkick.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: To Hakuyo from the second game, even possessing very similar movements.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: All his palate swaps are shirtless.



  • The Men in Black: They look and fight like government agents.
  • Sinister Shades: Most swaps wear them.


  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: To Jet from the second game, except they're (more) common enemies this time around.

Mark 2 (Robot)

Syndicate Bosses


  • Camp Gay: Well, above the waist, he's a leatherman, and below the waist, he wears stockings and women's panties.
  • Dummied Out: In the US version.
  • Refuge in Audacity: The character himself would count at this, but there are specific moments in the remake that fufill this trope as well.
    • One: Sliding down a pole then proceeding to dance on it in the Atlas Nightclub.
    • Two: The image of him if HE BECOMES THE BOSS.
Streets Of Rage Wiki


  • Monster Clown: In a way. He is an abusive kangaroo trainer. It doesn't help that he has two of them in the Remake.


  • Evil Knockoff: Of Axel.
  • Frame-Up: Does this to Axel.
  • Mirror Boss: If you play as Axel.
  • Put on a Bus: The only enemy in the series not to appear in Remake.
  • Turns Red: Literally.


  • Doppelganger Attack: Creates two copies to fight the player character before his Boss Fight.
  • Mook Chivalry: He displays it along with his copies, no less.
  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: A Samurai Ninja.


  • A Worldwide Punomenon: Has one in the remake.

Characters Introduced In Streets of Rage Remake


  • Fanon Immigrant: Originally appeared on the US Streets of Rage cover but not in the game itself. In the remake, he's now an actual enemy.
  • Knife Nut: Likes using knifes. However, he might pull out a gun out after he's knocked down.
  • White Mask of Doom: A white hockey mask.


  • Almighty Janitor: Despite his profession, he's tough enough to qualify as a mini-boss.
  • Lightning Bruiser: This guy is eye-poppingly fast on the draw.
  • Unique Enemy: Only two of him appear in the game.


  • Unique Enemy: Only has ONE appearance in the entire game, the first level in the Streets of Rage 2 route.


  • I Have Your Sister: Why she's serving the syndicate.
  • Kill It with Fire: What happens when you use the 'call police' button.
  • McNinja: Her profile shows that she's trained in several disciplines related to ninja combat, and in-game, her preferred weapons are the kunai and the katana.
  • Mysterious Woman: According to her profile.
  • She's Got Legs: Yes, she does.


  • Take That: A reskinned Galsia that looks just like Cody from Final Fight.

Retrieved from ''

.Platform(s),First releaseAugust 2, 1991Latest releaseApril 30, 2020Streets of Rage is a series of side-scrolling video games, centering on the efforts of several heroes trying to rid a city from the rule of a crime syndicate. The original trilogy of games was developed and published by for the in the 1990s, and have since been ported and re-released on various platforms.

A fourth entry, will be released in 2020.The games were well-received and have been re-released many times both on compilations and as standalone games. The soundtracks of the games, scored by and, have also received much acclaim. Contents.History Three games in the series were released between 1991 and 1994. The first entry, introduces the four main characters, three young former police officers known as Axel, Blaze, and Adam, and Mr. X, an evil mastermind.

It is the only game in the series to feature a -style special attack that defeats all non-boss enemies on-screen. Streets of Rage was supported by 's, and consoles.The next entry in the series, had new music (influenced by early '90s ) from series composer and newcomer composer, more defined graphics and a larger selection of moves. It also introduced two new characters, Eddie 'Skate' Hunter, and Max Thunder (or Sammy 'Skate' Hunter and Max Hatchett in some regions). Like the original title, Streets of Rage II was playable on Sega's Genesis, Master System, and Game Gear.The third entry to the Streets of Rage series, was less well-received than its predecessors.

Despite some enhancements, it has been seen as very similar to Streets of Rage II. This entry to the series added a more complex storyline told using. The Western version featured increased difficulty, with other elements altered or censored from the Japanese release. The music, again composed by Koshiro and Kawashima, was also criticized for being radically different from the music from the first two games. Unlike the two foregoing games, Streets of Rage 3 was available only on the Genesis.All three games have been re-released on numerous platforms and compilations, including and, and on the 's,.Subsequent projects Although it was one of the most popular Sega franchises in the 1990s, no new official Streets of Rage games have appeared since 1994, besides remakes such as the Japanese-only Java mobile game, Bare Knuckle Mobile.Sega is reported to have attempted to bring the series to the, and early in the production cycle for Sega's a demo tentatively titled Streets of Rage 4 was made. It showed a character similar to Axel fighting a group of enemies. Neither the Saturn nor the Dreamcast game, however, came to fruition.

Later pitched a new Streets of Rage game to Sega, but this project also failed to proceed.There have been numerous unofficial fan-made projects and remakes, including and Streets of Rage Remake.In 2018, was announced. The game is being developed by Lizardcube, Guard Crush Games, and, who previously released the of. Characters Playable characters in Streets of Rage gamesCharacter1234TotalAdam HunterYesCameoCameoYes2AshNoNoYesTBA1Axel StoneYesYesYesYes4YesYesYesYes4Cherry HunterNoNoNoYes1Floyd IraiaNoNoNoYes1Max ThunderNoYesCameoYes2Mr.

XBossBossBossTBA3Robot AxelNoNoBossTBA1RooNoNoYesTBA1Eddie 'Skate' HunterNoYesYesYes3ShivaNoBossYesBoss & Playable Character3Dr. Gilbert ZanNoNoYesYes2Total347TBAIn order of appearance:Streets of Rage. Further information: Axel Stone A playable character in all the games, Axel is generally the frontman of the series. He is usually portrayed as a muscular man with blonde hair, and wearing blue jeans with a white vest and a red headband. A police detective in the first game, he went on to open a karate. In the Japanese Bare Knuckle 3 storyline, he is transferred to the Special Investigation police department. In the early Streets of Rage games he has balanced abilities, combining power and speed.

In later installments, he becomes more of a heavyweight fighter. His special attacks variously include a 360-degree flaming punch (Dragon Wing) and a punch/uppercut combo (Dragon Smash). He also has a flaming uppercut named Grand Upper (which was renamed to Bare Knuckle for SoR3). It was toned down considerably in SoR3 due to its excessive power in SoR2. After many years of hiatus, Axel made an official return in a crossover game, in which he is voiced by in Japanese.Blaze Fielding.

Main article:Blaze is a female police officer who lacks high attack power, but has superior speed and jumping abilities to make up for it.Adam Hunter Adam is a playable character in SoR1 and SoR4. He is kidnapped in SoR2, and appears in later cutscenes of SoR3. He is the older brother of Eddie 'Skate' Hunter. Adam is an ex-professional boxer who joined the police force as a detective.

Unlike Axel and Blaze, he did not quit the police force at the end of the second game. He is the opposite of Blaze, in that he is slower but stronger. He is portrayed in the first title as a tall young man with dark hair and with highly developed upper-body strength, wearing a yellow vest with motorcycle leathers.Mr. X The syndicate boss Mr.

X is the main antagonist and appears as the in all games in one form or another. In the two first games, he is armed with a. After barely surviving his first two encounters with the SoR team, in SoR3 he is nothing more than a brain in a jar and has a robot, Robot Y (or Neo X in BKIII) who fights for him.Streets of Rage 2. Further information: Max Thunder Only playable in SoR2, Max, a wrestler, is by far the slowest character in the series, but also the hardest hitting. Max is a friend of Axel and makes a cameo appearance in the ending of the third game. His special techniques are a spinning ax-handle blow (Thunder Bomb) and a dashing tackle (Thunder Tackle). He also has a devastating backward-grappling move called the Atomic Drop.

He is the exact opposite of Skate, by lacking speed but having great power.Eddie 'Skate' Hunter Adam's kid brother is playable in SoR2 and SoR3. His first name is Sammy in BK2 and Eddie in SoR2. 'Skate' is his nickname, as he fights on. He is fast, but the weakest of all characters. In SoR2 he was the only character who could dash, an ability all playable characters gained by SoR3. In both games, one of Skate's special moves was the Double Spin Kick.

In SoR2, he uses the Corkscrew Kick and in SoR3, he uses Rolling Punches, a flurry of punches. At 4' 10' (147&cm), he is the smallest playable character in the entire series by far.Shiva The boss fought right before Mr. X in SoR2, and up to two times in SoR3.

Frequent special events introduce new challenges regularly. Pros: Always something to do, you can play 24 hours a day.Cons: This game is filled with cheaters, they don't care when you report them, people use multiple accounts, they clone your account and yet FOE won't remove the cloned accounts. They use the multiple accounts as a advantage. You don't know who your communicating with because there are so many members using 2nd 3rd and 4th accounts. Join a guild to cooperate and compete with other players. Forge

X's bodyguard and a very skilled fighter, his repertoire of moves matching the regular playable characters. He is also a secret playable character in SoR3, who can be unlocked right after defeating him by holding down the B button. His special move is called Final Crash. He is named after.Streets of Rage 3.

Further information: Cherry Hunter The teenage daughter of Adam Hunter, and the third playable character of SoR4. She teams up with Axel, Blaze, and her father, using her guitar and jumping attacks to combat foes. Floyd Iraia A former apprentice of Dr. Zan who has two cybernetic arms, Floyd is from New Zealand.Other media Comics Three six-part comic strip series based upon the games appeared in in the early 1990s (along with several other of popular Sega franchises). The first two of these were written by, while the third (and a Poster Mag story) was written by Nigel Kitching.

These three stories are an alternate continuity from the games and do not feature Adam. A graphic novel compilation of the original four-part 'Streets of Rage' strip was released as a book titled Streets of Rage: Bad City Fighters in the UK in 1994.The first story, entitled simply Streets of Rage, involved Axel, Blaze, and Max quitting the highly corrupt police force in order to do more good as vigilantes, taking down Max's ex-partner; the crime lord and martial artist Hawk. The next serial, Skates' Story, introduced Skates, delinquent stepson of Murphy, a friend of Axel and his team and one of the few honest cops left on the force, who was unwillingly drawn into joining Axel's group after his stepfather was killed by Mr X. The third and final story, The Only Game In Town, involved the Syndicate unleashing an army of street gangs. The Poster Mag story The Facts of Life features Axel, Blaze, Skate, and Max.Music.

'Bulldozer' from (1994) demonstrating randomized sequences, with elements of electro, house, / and trance music.Problems playing these files? See.The game's soundtrack was acclaimed, with several soundtrack albums being released. The soundtracks were composed.

Another musician, helped on the second, providing a few tracks, and making almost half of the tracks for the third. Three were released in all, each of which now sell for high prices at auction and in Japanese markets.The soundtracks mainly consist of, often, -based, encompassing such as,. The music was produced using the of the and , along with Koshiro's own 'Music Love,' a modified version of the PC-88's (MML).The soundtracks have been critically acclaimed. They are considered ahead of their time, and as some of the best of all time. Streets of Rage 2 (1992) in particular is considered revolutionary for its ' swaggering house,' ' and 'trancey electronic textures that would feel as comfortable in a as a video game.' Streets of Rage 3 is also considered ahead of its time, for its automatically generated randomized sequences, experimental hardcore 'fast-beat techno like jungle' sounds, and trance music elements. The series' soundtracks have influenced a range of chiptune, and musicians through to the present day, including artists such as,.

Novella A Streets of Rage II novella (published together with a novella) was written by Mat Yeo in 1993. It is just 35 pages long, based on the second game in the series, and was given away free with copies of magazine in the UK.Feature film and television series adaptation A feature film and television series produced by Stories International (a joint venture between Sega and ) are in the works alongside other adaptations such as of. The film and show is to be co-produced by Circle of Confusion with his production partners Lawrence Matthis and Julian Rosenberg at alongside Tomoya Suzuki. Gantayat, Anoop. Retrieved August 1, 2006. Ken Horowitz (11 September 2004). Retrieved 13 October 2013.

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at. STORIES LLC, STORIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. Retrieved 2016-12-06. Retrieved 2016-12-06.External links., the developers of Streets of Rage 2 and 3.