Stellaris Wiki


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Contents.Distribution The plant is to the, where it occurs on the and coasts, from south to and west to. It is a, restricted to habitats, where it is threatened by the. Description Sabatia stellaris is an growing to 20 cm tall in the northern part of its range, and up to 50 cm tall in the south of the range.The are arranged in opposite pairs, narrow to broad elliptic in shape, with narrow leaves in, and broad leaves in; the change in leaf shape is, and cannot be separated into discrete subspecies or varieties.The are pink or white, with five or six corolla lobes ('petals').

The is a dry containing up to 600. Conservation Sabatia stellaris is listed as in,. References.

Early illustration of a nursehound from Les poissons (1877).The first scientific description of the nursehound was published by, in the 1758 of. He gave it the name Squalus stellaris, the stellaris being for 'starry'. No was designated. In 1973, moved this species to the genus Scyliorhinus. The 'nursehound' came from an old belief by English fishermen that this shark attends to its smaller relatives, while the name 'huss' may have come from a distortion of the word 'nurse' over time.

Distribution and habitat The nursehound is found in the northeastern Atlantic from southern and to, including off the, throughout the, and the. It may occur as far south as the mouth of the, though these records may represent misidentifications of the ( S. Its range seems to be rather patchy, particularly around offshore islands, where there are small local populations with limited exchange between them. The nursehound can be found from the to a depth of 400 m (1,300 ft), though it is most common between 20 m (66 ft) and 60–125 m (197–410 ft). This species prefers quiet water over rough or rocky terrain, including sites with algal cover. In the Mediterranean, it favors algae-covered.

Description. Young nursehounds have prominent saddle markings.The nursehound attains a length of 1.6 m (5.2 ft), though most measure less than 1.3 m (4.3 ft). This shark has a broad, rounded head and a stout body that tapers towards the tail. The eyes are oval in shape, with a thick fold of skin on the lower rim but no. Unlike in the small-spotted catshark, the large flaps of skin beside the do not reach the mouth.

In the upper jaw, there are 22–27 tooth rows on either side and 0–2 teeth at the symphysis (center); in the lower jaw, there are 18–21 tooth rows on either side and 2–4 teeth at the symphysis. The teeth are Y-shaped and smooth-edged; the anterior teeth have a single central cusp, while the posterior teeth have an additional pair of lateral cusplets. Towards the rear of the jaws, the teeth become progressively smaller and more angled, with proportionately larger lateral cusplets.

The five pairs of are small, with the last two over the bases.The two are placed far back on the body; the first is larger than the second and originates over the bases of the. The pectoral fins are large. In males, the inner margins of the pelvic fins are merged into an 'apron' over the.

The is broad and nearly horizontal, with an indistinct lower lobe. The skin is very rough, due to a covering of large, upright. The nursehound has small black dots covering its back and sides, interspersed with brown spots of varying shapes larger than the, on a grayish or brownish background. The pattern is highly variable across individuals and ages; there may also be white spots, or the brown spots may be expanded so that almost the whole body is dark, or a series of faint 'saddles' may be present. The underside is plain white.

Biology and ecology Primarily nocturnal, nursehounds spend the day inside small holes in rocks and swim into deeper water at night to hunt. Sometimes two sharks will squeeze into the same hole, and several individuals will seek out refuges within the same local area. In one tracking study, a single immature nursehound was observed to use five different refuges in succession over a period of 168 days, consistently returning to each one over a number of days before moving on. Nursehounds may occupy refuges to hide from predators, avoid harassment by mature conspecifics, and/or to facilitate. In captivity, these sharks are gregarious and tend to rest in groups, though the individuals comprising any particular group changes frequently. This species is less common than the.The nursehound feeds on a variety of benthic organisms, including such as, and, and smaller sharks such as the small-spotted catshark. It also consumes, in particular but also and large,.

Given the opportunity, this shark will. Adults consume relatively more bony fish and cephalopods, and fewer crustaceans, than juveniles. Known parasites of this species include the Hexabothrium appendiculatum and Leptocotyle major, the Acanthobothrium coronatum, the Trypanosoma scyllii, the Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena, and the Lernaeopoda galei. The ( Nassarius reticulatus) preys on the nursehound's eggs by piercing the case and extracting the.

Life history. Nursehound egg capsules, some with their cases cut open to show the embryos inside.Like other members of its family, the nursehound is oviparous.

Known breeding grounds include the and in, and a number of coastal sites around the, in particular the Santa Croce Bank in the. Adults move into shallow water in the spring or early summer, and mate only at night. The eggs are deposited in the shallows from March to October. Although a single female produces 77–109 per year, not all of these are and estimates of the actual number of eggs laid range from 9 to 41.

The eggs mature and are released two at a time, one from each. Each egg is enclosed in a thick, dark brown case measuring 10–13 cm (3.9–5.1 in) long and 3.5 cm (1.4 in) wide.

There are tendrils at the four corners, that allow the female to secure the egg cases to bunches of seaweed (usually spp. Or ).Eggs in the and the Atlantic take 10–12 months to hatch, while those from the southern Mediterranean take 7 months to hatch. The length at hatching is 16 cm (6.3 in) off Britain, and 10–12 cm (3.9–4.7 in) off. Newly hatched sharks grow at a rate of 0.45–0.56 mm (0.018–0.022 in) per day, and have prominent saddle markings. Is attained at a length of 77–79 cm (30–31 in), which corresponds to an age of four years if hatchling growth rates remain constant.


This species has a lifespan of at least 19 years. Human interactions.

A nursehound in a public aquarium; this species adapts well to captivity.Nursehounds are generally harmless to humans. However, 19th-century British noted that 'although not so formidable with its teeth as many other sharks, this fish is well able to defend itself from an enemy.

When seized it throws its body round the arm that holds it, and by a contractile and reversed action of its body grates over the surface of its enemy with the rugged spines of its skin, like a rasp. There are few animals that can bear so severe an infliction, by which their surface is torn with lacerated wounds.' This shark is displayed by many and has been bred in captivity.The rough skin (called 'rubskin') of the nursehound was once used to polish and, to smooth and, and to raise the hairs of as a replacement for. Rubskin was so valued that a pound of it was worth a of.

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The was also used as a source of, and the carcasses cut up and used to bait crab traps. The meat of this species is marketed fresh or dried and salted, though it is considered 'coarse' in some quarters. In the, it is one of the species sold under the names ', 'catfish', 'huss' 'rock eel', or '.

In France, it is sold as grande roussette or saumonette, as after being skinned and beheaded it resembles. This species is also sometimes processed into, or its fins dried and exported to the Asian market.

In European waters, of this species is led by France, followed by the UK and; it is caught using, bottom set, handlines and fixed bottom nets. In 2004, a total catch of 208 tons was reported from the northeastern Atlantic.The impact of fishing activities on the nursehound is difficult to assess as species-specific data is generally lacking. This species is more susceptible to than the small-spotted catshark because of its larger size and fragmented distribution, which limits the recovery potential of depleted local. There is evidence that its numbers have declined significantly in the, off, and around the. In the upper, its numbers have fallen by over 99% since the 1970s.

These declines have led the (IUCN) to list the nursehound under. References. Robocraft wiki.