Marvel Puzzle Quest Daily Reward List


Reviews“An intricately crafted, remarkably deep experience – Marvel Puzzle Quest doesn’t merely meet the expectations of its name, it exceeds them.”9.1 out of 10 –“Even for those unfamiliar with the ever-expanding Marvel universe, Dark Reign’s use of collection and randomized drops make it compulsively, sickeningly playable.”4 out of 5 –“Takes the unlikely pairing of Marvel heroes and match-3 makes it fun. Lots to do besides the story missions. Entertaining, surprisingly humorous dialogue.”4 out of 5 –.

This is a Daily event which features a different 3 star cover reward every day! Tokens are grouped into'weeks' of 5 days, with Taco Tokens earned during the week featuring the 5 - 3. heroes. Deadpool's Daily Quest is non-competitive mode with brackets of 10000 people. Marvel Puzzle Quest player! Welcome to Deadpool's Daily Quest, brought to you by me, Deadpool!

About This GameMarvel Comics Super Heroes come to life in this Official Marvel role playing game with a unique Match 3 battle mechanic!S.H.I.E.L.D. Mishandles a powerful new resource called Iso-8, allowing the Super Villain Norman Osborn to take control of the agency and replace it with H.A.M.M.E.R., unleashing his own power hungry agenda in The Dark Reign. Super Heroes and Villains must unite in this match 3 RPG game to defeat Norman Osborn's rise to power and restore balance to the Marvel Universe!Create your own epic dream team using the strongest Super Heroes and the nastiest Super Villains!

Play characters like Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Iron Man, and the Hulk as you battle your way to victory. Thor, Doctor Strange, Deadpool, and more await!

Role Playing Games (RPGs) have three basic types of characters. I divide MPQ characters into the same three basic categories as other RPG games.

Although popular RPG style games can have a variety of exotic sounding character classes, the three basic character types are a 'Strongman', a 'Wizard', and a 'Warrior'.These three types of character have defined the basic elements of role playing games since the earliest days of pencil and paper role playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons and video games like Gauntlet. Different games and gamers refer to these archetypes using different names, but the basic traits remain the same. Some role playing and board games break characters down into more specialized character types like 'Thief' or 'Monster'. However, Marvel Puzzle Quest uses three-character teams for each match, so there is no reason to make further distinctions between character types.I like to use a balanced approach to team building. I try to build my teams using a Tank, a Wizard, and a Warrior.

(Some might call these, tank, mage, and fighter.) At times I will go with a more aggressive team, or a more passive team, by using two characters of a certain type and leaving one category out. Gamers call the different RPG style character classes by various names. Some call strong-man types a 'Tank' or 'Bruiser'. The tank character soaks up damage, defending rest of the team. In MPQ, a good tank character has the most life points on your team. At best, they'll also have the highest level of attack points. This helps keep them in the front of the group, protecting weaker characters.When you're starting out, Thor (Marvel Now), Hulk, and Ares are good tanks.

If an enemy team has Hulk, Ares, or Thor at about level 70 or better, think about using boosts to power up your team. Don't waste boosts against Juggernaut and Ragnarok, they are weaker tanks. I've used Ragnarok as a tank precisely because he's a lopsided character.

I find his powers to be a waste of Attack Points (AP); he's a good choice to team up with characters that use red and green AP for special attacks.Many people use Juggernaut, starting out; he's a starter (1-star) character, and the first real tank character available to new players. Although, many people level up Juggy to his full potential for use in Player versus Player (PvP) tournaments. Personally, I have never used Juggernaut. One of his powers not only damages the enemy target, but Juggernaut himself as well. I don't like to mess with characters that damage themselves or other team members.

Juggs usefulness wears out quickly. I recommend saving your Iso-8 crystals for leveling up 2 star characters.As you transition from a new player to an intermediate level, avoid teams with Thor, Hulk, and Ares. Don't worry about battling teams with Juggernaut.

There are many characters in all three classes more dangerous than juggernaut that you should attack first.Realistically, until you build up a roster with a variety of characters, your 'tank' is simply going to be whichever character you've built up with the most points. When I was a newbie, Hawkeye (Classic) was the character I leveled up the fastest. I read West Coast Avengers as a kid, and I was thrilled to see Hawkeye, in his classic costume, included in MPQ. He was my tank for a long time, regardless of the fact that his powers would categorize him as more of a 'warrior' class. Some gamers call this character type mage, wizard, or healer. Wizard characters heal the team, enhance their powers, or cripple enemy abilities. Characters that create strike tiles or protect tiles, heal damage, steal AP, or stun the enemy all fall into the support/healer category.Most of the Black Widow characters, All three Storms, and both versions of Captain America are just some of the support-type characters.

The best one-star support character is Storm (Modern). Modern Storm is the only 1 star worth keeping on your roster after you reach a certain level of stonI have seen Mod Storm and Black Widow (Modern) create a feedback loop with their powers that prevents enemy teams from taking another turn. Modern Widow's AP stealing power feeds Modern Storm's lightning power. In turn, Mod Storm's lighting can earn enough AP for Widow to steal again, perpetuating the cycle and preventing your opponent from taking another turn. This endless loop can wipe out an enemy team without allowing them another turn. This situation only occurs in battles with beginner and intermediate players.

Eventually, you will earn enough characters to face stronger opponents, who can knock out Modern Widow or Storm before they can double team the enemy.Possibly the best support character in the game is Black Widow (Original); she is certainly the best healer. Generally, I find the only characters whose stun powers are worth using are Black Widow (Modern), Storm (Classic), and Daredevil. Don't waste AP using Captain America(2star) or Venom's stun attacks. Different gamers and video games have a wide array of names for this type of character.

The character trait that defines the fighter is the ability to do massive damage with special attacks. In many role playing style games, fighters may also have enhanced dexterity that allows them to avoid attacks. The fighter differs from the 'tank' type character in that the fighter is not usually the strongest or most heavily armored, despite having enhanced abilities.Modern Hawkeye is a great example of a good the fighter class character in Marvel Puzzle Quest.

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Mod Hawkeye can damage the entire enemy team for over 1300 points with his Blast Arrow ability. His 'Speed Shot' passive ability activates when you make a critical combo, and can potentially wipe out the enemy team.Daken (Dark Avengers Wolverine) is also one of the very best warriors. He is self-healing and can drop an unlimited number of strike tiles. Best of all, your enemy can cause him to drop more strike tiles on their own turn. Powers that heal allies, like those of Spider Man (Classic) and Black Widow (Classic) only heal damage for the duration of the current match. This may leave characters on your team unable to join another match. Self healing characters such as the Wolverine and Daken characters keep their health points outside of the current match.

Dark Avengers Daken is one of the most effective and economical characters in the whole game. Comparing cost to level up versus the utility Dark Avengers Daken has for winning matches, he is possibly the best of all Wolverine characters in MPQ. Using a Tank, a Wizard, and a Fighter is good basic strategy. If you build a team without one of these basic character types, at least you'll understand where your team is both strong and vulnerable.Keeping in mind that luck is a factor in which characters you draw from rewards, and how you build your team, you may choose to work with an unbalanced team. Currently, my highest level characters are Hulk, Grey Suit Widow, and Classic Magneto.

When these three characters are together they form a well balanced team. However, when I play PvP battles where an Essential Character is involved, I work with Hulk and GSW, who are clearly an offensive team. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details NecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam.

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