Magic Sword 5e


Welcome to the 5 th Edition Magic Shop Inventory Generator with Sane Prices. Whether you play online or offline, digital tools can do a lot to enhance your gameplay experience. You'll find a few tools here at 5eMagic, and each one is designed and built by a regular DM.

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All Rights Reserved.This subreddit is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Wizards of the Coast LLC. This subreddit may use the trademarks and other intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast LLC, which is permitted under Wizards' Fan Site Policy. For example, Dungeons & Dragons® is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast. For more information about Wizards of the Coast or any of Wizards' trademarks or other intellectual property, please visit their website at. Back in 3.5e I created a homebrew campaign, which I am now running some friends through using the 5e rules. This has required many updates, but the one I'm struggling with the most is the distribution of magic weapons.

Currently the party has some utilitarian magic items ( Cap of Water Breathing, Bead of Force, Decanter of Endless Water, etc.) but I've been reluctant to give them actual magic weapons. Shattered 2007 trailer. Whisper - Longbow. Negative Ability: Upon becoming attuned to this weapon, you must make a wisdom save (DC 10) or gain a madness flaw (see the DMG).

Optional Ability: On a hit against a creature with less than full hit points, you can choose to deal an additional 1d6 psychic damage. The creature must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom save or be frightened of you until the end of its next turn. If the creature succeeds, you must save or become frightened of it. Minor Ability: While attuned to this weapon, you can constantly hear the surface thoughts of any creature within 10' of you. This cannot be prevented save by removing the weapon from your person for 24 hours.

Critical Ability: The target must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom save with disadvantage or be stricken with confusion as per the spell. Class-specific Ability: A ranger wielding Whisper can speak with animals and plants at will and is considered to have Expertise in Intimidation when attempting to parley with them. Let me give this a try (I need to design something for my players soon here anyway).Staff of Deathtaking (necromancer staff).Negative Ability: This weapon cannot be used to cast spells of radiant or abjuration nature.Optional Ability: This weapon can cast Animate Dead, 1 charge per day. There must be a body/bones nearby.Minor Ability: The graveyard dirt sphere at the top glows when a dead body is nearby.Critical Ability: If this critical hit kills the target, it instantly becomes a zombie/skeleton, unless it already was. Can only affect targets like Animate Undead.Class Specific Ability: (Wizard) Learning new necromancy spells have no time (still ink cost) when you hold this spell, and animated undead last for longer. Lightbringer (longsword, 2d6, Versatile: 2d8), artifactNegative Ability- You feel compelled to use this weapon and find it difficult to use any other weapon.

When switching out this weapon for another, make a DC 12 Wisdom save. If you fail, you are unable to use any weapon except the Lightbringer after until your next long rest, when you can make this save again.Minor Ability- This weapon is sentient and can speak to you telepathically. Three times per long rest, you can use a bonus action to ask the blade for advice, drawing on it's large stores of ancient knowledge.

You gain advantage on your next ability check, attack roll, or saving throw.Critical Ability- On a critical hit, the sword lets out a burst of bright light from it's blade that stuns and blinds the target for one minute.Class Ability: When using the Paladin's Divine Smite with this weapon, the weapon lets out the burst of light as if it had scored a critical hit. The Buffel (rapier)Negative ability: -4 to attack roll and every time you attack with this weapon you can not be in stealth.Optional ability: once per turn, when using your STR bonus for the attack modifier. You do double max dice damage (16 DAM, calculated from 1d8 damage roll for rapier) on hit.

Bonus or additional damage is not effected. Every time you use this ability the next time you use it will have a -2 to attack modifier, this is reset by a long or short rest.Minor ability: once between long rests, you may roll advantage on an intimidation roll.Critical ability: does triple damage max dice damage (24 damage), and doubles additional damage. Take no reduction to attack roll next time you use this ability.Class specific ability: can only be used by characters with 6 or more difference between their DEX and STR (for example: 10STR and 15DEX cannot use this weapon, but 9STR and 15DEX can). DEX must be greater than STR.In fencing, a buffel is a combatant who relies on strong noticeably telegraphed hits. The idea behind this weapon is to give dexterous based characters a way to deal more damage in combat when shit hits the fan. As long as they're willing to take a hit on their attack roll of course.

Magic Sword 5e

The weapon can be used by any class, however their DEX score must be much greater than their STR.if the values seem to op or bad i'm okay with them being tweaked. Hookvine - a magical vine that can be used as a whip. Created when the Awaken spell is cast upon a thorned vine. Deals 1d6 slashing damage and has the light and reach properties. The plant is dimly aware of its user, and responds to telepathic commands, but cannot communicate.Negative effect: any time you miss with this weapon, it curls back on you and attacks you. Roll a new attack against your own AC. The vine's bonus is equal to your proficiency bonus.Optional effect: you may command the plant to secrete poisonous sap and add 1d6 poison damage to the attack.

Add this damage to the attack on yourself if you miss. Adding the poison takes no action.Minor effect: you are telepathically warned of all plant-based hazards within 30' of you.Critical effect: the target is grappled (DC 20 strength check to free themselves), gets dragged to within five feet of you if they aren't already and there is a space to move to, and takes gets hit automatically by the vine every consecutive turn while grappled.

The best thing you can do is to forget about hacks and look for already hacked games, which of course, you are going to find on this website. Robo defense hack. So, where online are you going to find one? They don’t need hacks. It is highly likely that a game you landed on earlier needed a hack.

The target may reroll their save every turn, with the DC going down by five every two turns.Class-specific effect: A Ranger wielding the vine may use the Thorn Whip cantrip at will, with the spell attack mod replaced by your normal attack mod.This is a longer-range alternative for Rangers who like to dual-wield more than shoot (I.e. Are strength based). Note that as you get into higher levels, you run a higher risk of getting hit on a miss.

Hi all,I'm struggling to find some appropriate nature-based magic items for my D&D campaigns. There just aren't that many in the game yet. And there don't seem to be all that many in previous editions either (that I can find, at least).In the one game, I've got a goliath moon druid who only transforms into bears. I'm having a real hard time finding magic items that would suit him.

He's only 5th level, so I don't want to give him a staff of the woodlands just yet.In the other game, I've got a treant that I want to have offer something thematically appropriate as a reward for the PCs helping him. In that game, I haven't got any nature-oriented characters - no elves or druids or whatever - so I need to find something that anyone can use. I have this vision of him reaching into himself and pulling out something made out of his core wood or something. Or maybe handing them some of his leaves that have something inscribed on them. Or even just having him bestow upon them a charm of some kind. But it's hard to find something suitable.Anyone got any nature-themed magic items (or ideas along those lines)?

Even if they're not appropriate as a gift for a druid or from a treant, please share them here! We can use this thread as a repository for nature-based magic items.Thanks! For the goliath, are you looking for something that will encourage him to cast more magic, or to suit his current play style? Perhaps a bearskin coat that gives him resistance to cold and bonus to intimidate/survival could be a good idea, especially if he hears about a rogue Polar Bear that is terrorizing the local region.The gift from the treant may be a magical wooden shield that can give resistance to slashing or fire damage (Axes/Fire=Bad). Or if you have anyone who uses spears, bows, or javelin (basically any wood) they can get some magic ammunition.Another thing could be a draught/root from the treant that can be used to cast the Enlarge spell, either once a day or as a consumable. If the goliath likes to be the biggest bear around, then that will be up his alley too.Random ideas:-Root Boots: You plant your feet into the ground and your movement speed becomes 0. While rooted, you regain 1d4 HP at the end of each of your turns.-Manure Bolts: Requires a successful Nature/Herbalism check.

These bolts are made from the party's last. On a hit, they do 1d4 damage and the creature must make a DC 11 saving throw or be poisoned until the end of it's next turn.-Steel Rose: Requires attunement. A flowery decorative +1 mace that gives the wielder advantage on Charisma checks when engaging with humanoid who may be attracted to them. MENTION=6803126Jediking/MENTION: Thanks for the ideas.With respect to the druid, I'm not really sure what I'm looking for. I think maybe part of the problem with druids, at least, is that they're already pretty well-rounded and self-sufficient.

There aren't a lot of areas where a magic item would really help. Yes, his AC is low, so he could potentially do with some magic armor. I thought about giving him a magic musical instrument that he could use to cast conjure animals once a day, but now that he's 5th level, he's been casting conjure animal to summon up two brown bears a lot already.

Next level, his beast attacks will count as magical, so he doesn't really need a magic weapon. I could give him something that grants him another use of wildshape but I'm not sure that that would be all that useful because we don't generally have more than one or two combats a day anyway.As for the treant, I think I'd actually prefer something that isn't combat-oriented. I'd prefer something that's more utilitarian than armor or weapons.

I'd also prefer something that's potentially usable by anyone in the party rather than just the warrior. (The full party consists of a dragon sorcerer, a champion fighter, a life cleric, an arcane trickster rogue, and a lore bard, but only the first three PCs will be participating in the adventure featuring the treant). Can you not refluff standard items to be more woody?.

Magic Arrows made of an especially hard wood. A pitcher-plant flower that is an Alchemy Jug. Amulets made of knotted twigs. Boots of Springing made from flexible tree bark. Bracers woven from magic straw. Carved wooden Figurines of Wondrous Power that summon animated plants. Wooden Helms made from tree stumps with the strength of steel but still with knobbly bits on them.

Rings made of wood instead of metal. Magic Vine = Rope of Climbing. Magic Pine Cones = Sending Stones. Yes, I can, and I've trawled through the DMG more than once in an effort to do just that, but nothing's really clicked. I don't entirely know what I'm looking for. I just know what I'm.not. looking for, which is most of what is in the DMG.One thing I thought could be fun is having the treant bestow a charm on the PCs that gives them its resistances to bludgeoning and piercing damage but also its vulnerability to fire.

It would be like barkskin in appearance but with a different effect.I suppose I could also just have the treant gift the PCs with some enchanted (or rare) timber that they can use to make something of their own choosing.To be honest, though, I was partially just using those as examples to lament the fact that there just don't seem to be many nature-oriented items in the game so far. Found some 3e stuff in an old Dragon Magazine (issue 326). Here's my attempt at updating them to the 5e rules:Acorn of Acuity: Attunement. Grants advantage on Survival checks and allows the user to cast speak with animals 1/day.Arboreal Armor: Attunement. +1 leather armor that grants the wearer advantage on Dex (Stealth) checks to hide in forested terrain.

The armor itself regenerates 1/hp per hour if it gets damaged. The wearer can cast entangle 3/day, while the armor grows 5 goodberries on itself each day.Briar Staff: Attunement. The staff has 10 charges. You can spend charges to cast entangle (1 charge), spike growth (2 charges), and wall of thorns (6 charges).

It regains 1d6 + 4 charges at dawn but only if it is buried under 1 foot of earth in a forest that is at least 1 square mile in size.Deluge Rod: Attunement. (Cursed?) You have advantage on Con checks/saves to resist extreme heat and thirst, but you have disadvantage on Con checks/saves to resist extreme cold and drowning. It also has the properties of a frostbrand but it is a club rather than a sword. 3/day as a bonus action you can cause it to deal 2d6 extra cold damage when you hit with it. 1/day you can cast a suitable 5e substitute for the acid fog spell. 1/day you can summon one water elemental or 1d4+1 giant sharks.Eagles' Cry Bow: Attunement. This is a +2 longbow with a range of 300/1,200 ft.

When you attack with the bow, you can use a bonus action to have it cry out like an eagle, granting any elf or half-elf within 30 feet of the bow one Bardic Inspiration die (d6). A creature can't have more than one die at a time.Rod of the Wild: Attunement. A +2 club that has four animal totems on it. Each day, the bearer can choose to gain the benefits of one of the totems. The benefits last for as long as the bearer holds the rod.

Bear: You gain a +2 bonus to AC and you have advantage on Strength checks. Hawk: You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks based on sight, and you can cast feather fall on yourself at will. Mouse: You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and you can cast reduce person on yourself at will.

Salmon: You gain advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to swim, and you can cast water breathing on yourself at will.Sylvan Cloak: Attunement. You have advantage on ability checks made to escape from being restrained by a grapple or manacles, etc.

You have advantage on Con checks/saves to resist extreme heat and cold. Creatures have disadvantage on Survival checks to track you by scent while you are traveling in forested terrain.Sylvan Cloak, Greater: As the sylvan cloak, except it also grants you the ability to cast tree stride 1/rest, and you can animate a tree 1/day.Thornblade: Attunement. Has the properties of a scimitar of speed, plus 3/day the wielder can use a bonus action to coat the thorns on the blade with 'bloodroot poison' (whatever that does). The guy playing the druid in my campaign had an interesting idea. He told me that he was trying to think of some spells he could have his PC create on his own, but the only one he'd come up with so far was a tree stride-like spell that worked with his summoned bears.As an aside, the druid PC has a bear theme, so he only ever wildshapes into bears, and he only ever summons bears with his conjure animal spell, and so on.So his idea is that he can cast this spell and then, while wildshaped, he can use it to teleport between the locations of his summoned bears. He wasn't sure what level the spell should be, and frankly, neither do I. Tree stride is 5th level, for what it's worth.

If I limit the distance to, say, 60-120 feet, it could possibly be a 4th level spell instead. Dunno.But then I got thinking: what if I were to make it a magic item power instead?