Escape Velocity Nova Map


He didn't get it for $1.50 in some Steam sale or Humble Bundle. He paid full price for it! Thanks Joe, you're the best!Ever wanted to be Jean-Luc Picard?

Add This Game to Your Site: Sports Games Link to The Game: IcycleIcycle,File Size: 2.11 Mb, Rating: 79.49% with 41 votes, Played: 6,574 times from December-1st-2009Description: Ride over the icy terrain collecting bubbles while avoiding various hazzards.Control: Jump is 'Up arrow' OR 'Spacebar'. Icycle. Arrow keys to move.

Or maybe more like Mal Reylonds? Then this game is for you! This game lets you be captain of a spaceship, exploring the 'verse and making a living any way you can, even legally. You can make money by shipping goods and passengers, you can buy combat upgrades for your ship (or buy entirely new ships), and you can journey into the great unknown, charting new worlds and encountering strange alien races and exotic cultures. You can also go on dangerous missions that affect the course of the galactic civilization.

It's up to you to make your way however you wish in this largely sandbox universe. DO NOT pick the Vell-os storyline! If you meet a Vell-os in a bar and he wants you to go on a mission, say no, no matter how insistent he is!The Vell-os storyline basically involves you becoming a slave and going on missions AGAINST YOUR WILL for an evil government organization. You eventually do free yourself, but for a long time you're severely restricted in what you can do, and they even took away my hard-earned capital ship with its huge cargo space, and replaced it with a tiny little fighter, without asking me. Potion maker name.

That's not a cool thing to do in a sandbox game! I was enjoying the game because it gave me a sense of freedom! Don't take that away from me!Once I realized what was happening in the storyline, I actually used process manager to kill the program to prevent it from auto-saving, then spent many hours ignoring the storyline and enjoying my sandbox freedom while I explored more planets.

Sep 10, 2015  That looks exactly like Escape Velocity. I can't decide if that is a good or bad thing yet. The map also gives you a relative difference in. Endless Sky is a 2D space trading and combat game inspired by the classic Escape Velocity series. Work your way up from a relatively wimpy shuttle, cargo ship, or fighter, to a highly upgraded and customized flagship or to a massive fleet of warships or freighters.

Eventually I did do the storyline just because I wanted to 'beat' the game and post to this list, but I resisted for a long while. Unfortunately it was too late at that point to pick a different main storyline, and I wasn't about to start a new game and give up all the progress I had already made.Great game, I just wish I had picked a different storyline. Threads 778Users 5Items 13Geeklists 128GeekList Items 639Forums 45Images 152Videos 4Files 3Families 1Guilds 3Blogs 12Blog Posts 54Total 1837 as of first posting (including this geeklist item)I didn't start subscribing to forums (but now I'm subscribed to almost every VGG forum!) until a few months ago, and I didn't start automatically subscribing to threads/items/etc. I post or reply to until a few weeks ago. I don't even remember which users I'm subscribed to (except for myself)-I think I must have turned them all off, since I never get any notifications on them.I actually really like subscribing to whole forums for alerts on new posts: I can mark as read the ones I'm not interested in and read the ones I am, and then choose whether to actually subscribe (or reply) to them.

It works better for me than looking at the forums themselves! I'll start with a recommendation for the entirety of VGG!

Impossible, you say? But looking at VGG's current top 100, I think that a fair number of people who have heretofore overlooked it would enjoy for the following reasons:+It has a futuristic, post-disaster science fiction theme.+It has 6 very distinct storylines. Once you start a storyline, they're linear (not counting the countless potential side missions and handful of minor storylines you could choose to do), but I think most of them are interesting enough not only to hold your attention, but to.

Interest you.+It has real-time top-down 2d (with some 3d effects) arcade-style space combat that has a lot of potential for tactical growth, which looks like this (only smoother and better in action). +It auto-saves every time you land in a spaceport, so you'll hardly lose progress if you die.+You can command a fleet of AI escorts, from freighters to fighters to capital class warships. If you can earn them.+Different kinds of ships have different AI, and therefore require different strategies to defeat.+You can disable and board other ships to loot them or capture them for yourself or for an escort.+You can trade resources between planets and systems.+There are dozens of systems and hundreds of planets to explore.+You can fly one of dozens (or hundreds, depending on how you count) of different classes of spaceships, all of which are highly customizable with hundreds of weapons and other outfits. One of the shipyards looks like this (sometimes). SummaryYou start in the cockpit of your newly purchased shuttle, a naive new pilot. Where you go from there is up to you.

Exploration, trading, top-down 2d space combat and navigation, varied missions, and six different storylines are the core of the game. So that's the general idea of this chain. People will hopefully put up some games that they love, and would like to hear other people's experiences with. Generally, I suspect the best games for this thread will be games with a story - whether that's RPG (Chrono Trigger), item-adventure (Discworld 2), or even well-written FPS (System Shock 2) - but it should be the type of game where reading someone's playthrough logs would be interesting (and perhaps nostalgically fun for fans of the game), rather than just session reports of DDR or Madden. Also, games with a story you play through and complete are easier to justify passing along.The Modified rules:1. (same)1.1 NEW RULE: You are requested to start a Playthrough thread in the appropriate game's forum, and occasionally post about your experiences with the game. Please comment on the item you won with a link to your playthrough thread.

(If for some reason you do not enjoy the game enough to finish a playthrough, please at minimum post a Review in the appropriate game forum and then re-post the game as noted in rule 2.)2. If you win one, you MUST post a game of your own to give away in this (specifically: Evangelist Chain) fashion. MODIFICATION: If you beat the game quickly, you can post the same game you received, so long as someone else still wants to try it.

Escape Velocity Nova Map

This can be a bit more lax than the standard chain, and needn't be posted within the same week. I'd say try to post something within a month or so. Also, when you post your game, please give a description of who would enjoy it, and/or why. After all, this is an evangelism chain.3. If you wish to start a second (or third, or fourth) Evangelist chain, post an item to the geeklist and put 'SEED' in bold in the description, appending a new number. For those later in the chain, identify which chain your game belongs to. MODIFICATION: If you received a story game, beat and enjoyed it, but would not play it again, feel free to throw it back in the mix in this manner.5.

(same)I already evanglize as it stands, so this is my offering to the VGG Chain of Generosity (a $30 value)! You have until Sunday, November 28, 11:59 pm PST to leave a comment to be entered into the drawing! I will contact the winner to request an email address where they can receive the code to register their software. It has great replayability, with 6 very distinct main storylines. And with an active plug-in development community, that replayability is multiplied.My favorite aspects of EVN are the storyline itself, and dogfighting with other ships in a massively customized heavy fighter of some kind (preference: Modified Starbridge).